The WCI-360 Work Compliance Index
A research-action tool created to evaluate the degree of compliance,
behaviour, commitment, and moral ethics within a workplace environment.
- Employee commitment is based on good moral value, compliance, integrity, and reliability. These 4 attributes are key factors within any enterprise. When employees lack these valuable attributes any chance at efficient productivity, team-work, positive evolution, and profitable gain in the long-term of the company or enterprise, can suffer greatly and become a huge liability to the evolution of any company.
- To be a committed employer is to guarantee the successful progress and development of each individual employee within an organization. Maintaining good company standards where employees feel safe, encouraged, and positively challenged, creates a better sense of morale, as well as a better sense of security and gratification within their work environment.
- On a global scale when considering values and ethics, honesty, trust, and the overall performance level of an organization’s employees can substantially indicate the success or failure of an enterprise.
- By measuring these 4 main variables, we can better determine individual employee contribution to the progression and/or global evolution of your organization.
(Elegido, 2013; Hay Group, 2014)
- Strength & Commitment
- A stronger organizational structure and higher level of employee commitment within the Enterprise starts with performance, reliability, and loyalty (Hay Group, 2014)
- Loyalty- A desire to comply individualistically with company mandates and regulations in order to achieve overall objectives, whilst embracing, respecting, and implementing values and standards regardless of perspective financial or hierarchical advancement elsewhere.
- Performance/Time-Management
- In order to meet organizational performance expectations, quotas, and deadlines within an Enterprise, employee performance and time-management (e.g. punctuality, deadlines, etc.).
- Values & Moral Obligations
- To maintain standards of respect and honesty when handling goods and/or property within an organization out of good faith. This can emphasize an employee’s fundamental moral values within the organization as well as relations towards the employer, colleagues, as well as his/her individual person. This index provides an indication of an employee’s good moral value and intent, even by indicating the potential sacrifice of temptation (honesty) for the better good of the organization.
(Elegido, 2013;
- A person who has difficulty in respecting work hours is not necessarily a dishonest individual (consciously).
- Consequently, there are higher potentials that the employee does not have very much loyalty towards the organization in which they are employed; chances could indicate that their work ethic is very poor.
- Deviance or dishonesty of an employee based on their lack of commitment, may potentially result in many forms of inadequate behavior. Some examples are the following:
- Absenteeism: 15 to 20% of company expenses directly related to employee absences.
- 33% of these absences are not in relation to medical reasons.
- Deviant behavior (e.g. theft, falsifying work hours, etc.) by an employee.
Between 2006 and 2007, 32 countries world-wide were surveyed by Checkpoint Systems, a multinational manufacturer and supplier of retail security solutions. This study provided evidence of an alarmingly high percentage of individuals who steal products/goods 41.1% (e.g. company merchandise), commit fraud 26.5% (e.g. increasing employee discount percentages on personal purchases, increasing returned items at a higher rate as to pocket the difference), and an astounding 33% of employees stole cash from their employer directly (e.g. service and retail industries). This data was collected by the International Center for Scientific Research (Nottingham, Royaume University).
(Source :
- North America : United States & Canada
- Western Europe : Austria, Belgium/Luxembourg, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom
- Central Europe : Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia
- Asia : Australia, India, Japan, Singapore, Thailand.
The findings found that the surveyed companies and organizations suggested a global combined sales loss due to employee theft/fraud totaling an approximate amount of 67 billion euros, equivalent to over 98 billion Canadian dollars.
- Billions of dollars in sales profitability are lost on a global scale annually.
- 1.36% due to employee turnover.
- 33% of internal theft/fraud committed by employees.
- In North America alone, United States & Canada, an average of $620.00/year was pocketed illegally by a dishonest employee.
- It was shown that convicted petty criminals stole less on-average than dishonest employees.
- 41% of sales loss is accorded to merchandise/product.
- 26 billion Canadian dollars has been invested towards the implementation of security systems (55% towards hiring security agents/watchmen).
- 1/3 of employees surveyed in France and China commit theft/fraud internally.
- These numbers are actually higher due to the fact that these totals are only those that have been reported. (Bonnet, 2007)
- Employee dishonesty and theft is usually very hard to detect within an organization.
- People do not tend to “whistle-blow” due to:
- Not caring, feeling it isn’t their place to tell.
- If the witness knows the guilty party saw them.
- If it is not material (time vs. merchandise/product). - Although it is still considered criminal, it is rarely treated as such. Most times these situations are regulated internally and by amicable agreement.
(Bonnet, 2007)
- Merchandise/Products/Inventory.
- Data/Confidential Information.
- Time.
– Tardiness
– Absenteeism
– Falsifying billing
– Lack of consistent presence - False worker's compensation claims.
- Essentially, everything is related to the overall reliability of the employee and their commitment towards their employer.
- They believe their salary is inadequate.
- Compensating by taking what they think they deserve. - Accessibility to the merchandise/product stolen.
- Minimal supervision. - Pre-existing deviant traits in their behavior.
- Working in an environment that supports/incites/tolerates deviant or criminal behavior.
- Lack of a code of ethics system within the organization.
- Lack of employee commitment and honesty.
– More supervision and control over financial operations or access to cash currency.
– To identify and pursue any individual committing criminal/fraudulent behavior. - IMPLEMENTION & SUPPORT:
– Constant and consistent reminder of the importance of moral values and ethics by support, encouragement, and compassion. Changes occur in every individual’s life, this affects everyone differently. Employers should be conscientious and empathetic to these realities in order to promote positive understanding without fear of judgement.
– Enforcement of healthy and positive change to the overall organizational culture.
– Let go of confidentiality, reinforce transparency through truth and honesty.
– Reinforce and highly encourage levels of personal commitment and trust. - DISCOURAGE:
– Situations that could invite temptation.
– Hiring of staff without proper and thorough evaluation of the potential candidate.
– Lack or infrequent evaluation of employees based on performance, morale, and levels commitment.
- This report-generated program provides a company, enterprise, or an organization with a global score based on a specific and specialized list of questions pertaining to 4 dimensions of employee activities.
- The WCI-360 Work Compliance Index specifically targets and detects:
- Force of commitment/Performance.
- Time management.
- Honesty.
- Loyalty. - Composed of 80 specific and specially composed questions.
- 40 pertaining to positive context.
- 40 pertaining to negative context. - Specifically targeted questions to help avoid extreme errors in judgement or assumptive situations.
- Evaluates patterns of an individual’s responses scaled by index of 6 points rather than 5 to avoid conflictual responses or too much generalization.
- An Index score of 80% or higher indicates the following:
– A very high level of conformity within the workplace.
– Great use of time-management.
– Very punctual.
– Very little risk of deviancy (e.g. theft).
– Highly capable of whistle-blowing.
– High level of performance and endurance.
– Strong level of commitment towards employer.
– High moral values and sense of honesty.
- An Index score in between 60% and 80% indicates the following:
- An average conformity within the workplace.
- Average time-management.
- Somewhat punctual, occasional tardiness or absenteeism.
- Indifference towards activities (moral or otherwise) pertaining to colleagues, unlikely to whistle-blow.
- Average or standard work performance and endurance.
- Indifference in attitude of commitment or loyalty towards the employer.
- Average moral values and essentially honest, yet chooses not care about the action’s of other’s.
- An Index score below 60 % indicates the following:
– Does not conform well within work environment.
– Poor or wasted use of time-management.
– Frequent tardiness or absenteeism.
– Highly capable of committing theft or falsifying work hours.
– Would never whistle-blow.
– Very low performance rate or endurance.
– Very weak or low level of commitment and loyalty towards the employer.
– Very dishonest and very low level of good moral value.
How Can It Work For You?
- This index is an invaluable tool that is highly beneficial to all industries, companies, and organizations that are concentrated towards or composed of production-line labor, manual labor, team-oriented organizations, and/or any other enterprise that relies upon a high level of standards relying upon employee commitment, performance, loyalty, and good moral value, in order to obtain objectives, quotas, and overall beneficial and positive financial results.
- This index provides questions that are realistic, easy to understand, and that are targeted towards common-place occurrences that hold relevance, pertinence, as well as importance in situations that occur within any industry, company, or organization daily.
- As an employer, your goal is to have under your direction a staff that is composed of reliability, punctuality, efficiency, loyalty, and who show good moral standings within your company or organization, lack thereof can be detrimental and lead to variables that may cost you greatly over time. This report-generated index can alleviate many concerns, whilst conserving proficiency and professionalism, which is highly beneficial in both the short and long term projection of targeted performance and financial goals within your organization.
- Measuring employee performance, commitment, honesty, and moral values are excellent indicators to give you, the employer, a stable and detailed foundation on which to build upon in order for your company or organization to succeed, yet there has to be more done in order to guarantee fundamental and consistent efficiency within your workplace.
- The WCI-360 Work Compliance Index measures pertinent and very intrinsic elements about your employee’s characters and behaviours, but you as well must continue, on a regular basis, to evaluate and support intervention if there are any unforeseen inconsistencies or elements of doubt.
- Plans of intervention must always be conducted individually as well as in a group, these are essential and vital keys to guarantee success.
- A successful and beneficial means of engaging employees is to consider the individual evaluations carried out, and to regularly follow up with group-based meetings that include, support, and maintain a good sense of open communication and awareness for all.
- Starting from results of the global report generated via the WCI-360 Work Compliance Index, ERPs360 team can offer specialized programs of intervention that will work to transform the internal cultural structure within your company or organization. Working with both the administration and the employees as a whole, in order to improve performance, to increase moral standards, and to work towards a team-oriented commitment that is focused upon the successful future of your enterprise. These programs include the following components:
- Group interventions/mediations.
- Supporting employer/employee interactions.
- Techniques towards opening lines of communication and trust.
- Creating team-oriented goals and attitudes.
- Teaching awareness and support towards good employee relations and a feeling of belonging within the company or organization.
- Information sessions to maintain good employee relations and to maintain levels of commitment, loyalty, and good moral ethics within the company or organization.
- Information sessions related to potential job loss, salary standards, performance, quotas, and/or employee bonuses.
- Presentations and/or information sessions related to employee conduct and the company`s code of ethics.
- What motivates me, and what do I enjoy in my line of work?
- How can my employer better motivate me in my line of work? What aspects can be improved upon to make my job more enjoyable and successful?
- What solutions can be incorporated, implemented, and/or improved upon towards the overall success and performance of our team?
- Pride in the employee’s work performance. My company needs me!
- Work performance, and how to better one’s quality and efficiency…
- Solutions to avoid financial loss, raising awareness pertaining to employee negligence, and how detect/deter theft and/or fraudulent behavior.
- Loss of financial profits and sales due to internal theft/fraud.
- How to be genuinely happy within the workplace.
- Coping skills and tools for difficult situations in the workplace
- Is your glass half empty or half full? Motivational coaching and support for a more positive outlook and better employee morale.
- Implementation of proper and frequent supervision of employees; minimize employee isolation, modify inventory standards, accessibility, or regulations for employee positions in which one tends to be left unattended in order to deter the potential risk of theft/fraud, or any possibility of inappropriate employee conduct
- Encourage whistle-blowing within your company or organization. Maintain, support, and commend employee commitment, honesty, and loyalty.
- Propose incentives such as bonuses or monetary increase based on reliability and good moral conduct.
- Encourage managerial and administrative support to emphasize the importance of employee commitment, appreciation, and positive development within the workplace. - Make theft and/or fraud difficult within your company or organization.
- Increase security methods and supervision to deter these activities.
- Installation of security cameras, routine inspections, hiring a security firm… - Implementation of an Information Technology program in order to provide accurate and detectable movement of inventory and/or stock.
- Productivity will be greatly increased overall.
A beneficial tool to facilitate employee evaluation…
- The WCI-360 Work Compliance Index can be modified and tailored to the specific needs and/or requirements in order to greatly benefit and facilitate employee evaluations within your company or organization.
– An additional 20 questions (available upon request) will be tailored to specifically answer questions pertaining to the current challenges being faced within your workplace.
– Various formats of the tool are available respecting your company or organization’s financial budget: via internet, hard-copy paper version, or customer-client contact via telephone.
– An indexed report indicating overall proficiencies and liabilities will be generated annually. - This specialized tool will adherently facilitate and highly benefit individual and/or group employee interventions and/or evaluations.
– This index will serve as a more indicative guideline when meeting individually with employees who may not be maintaining expected performance standards, or contributing well within the global whole of your company or organization.
– The WCI-360 Work Compliance Index can also contribute to group organizational meetings when relating to different topics.
- Subsidies are available through Gouvernment employee assistance programs, and can be applied towards financing based on requirements pertaining to the WCI-360 Work Conformity Index, pending agreement and signing of a long-term contract with your company or organization.
- Additional index requirements are available based upon implementation of this tool, they shall be provided exclusively to effectively benefit and meet the requirements of your company or organization.
- Group Consultations.
- Specialized and/or exclusive creation of index formatting.
- Exclusive formats with options of modification may be available to your company or organization.
- Consultation sessions are available by appointment in relation to the formatting of the WCI-360 Work Conformity Index.
- Consultation sessions are available by appointment in relation to potential modifications of the WCI-360 Work Conformity Index. - Pending post-interventions and/or post-evaluations, consultation sessions are available by appointment, these sessions may include the following topics:
- Consultations for high-risk employees.
- Group consultations related to various topics.
- Consultations following employee interventions and/or evaluations.
- Managerial interventions in relation to organizational performance, progress and, overall financial evolution.
- Maintaining high standards of employee commitment, honesty, and reliability are key essentials in detection and minimization of risk in regards to inappropriate or deviant behavior (e.g. theft, fraud, falsifying work hours, etc.) within your company or organization. Let us remember that 33% of global enterprises have reported internal criminal activity and/or fraudulent or falsified work hours, and the projected estimated loss of sales profits were billions of dollars annually. Consider hypothetically that approximately 40% of these incidents go undetected, this can become a huge liability to the overall profit within your enterprise and could have been avoided by taking greater care and attention by implementing tools such as the WCI-360 Work Conformity Index.
- The following is an example of a hypothetical scenario projecting potential loss of profit over a one-year period based on 100 employees:
- Involvement, loyalty, and reliability are important in avoiding potential behaviors that can lead to theft.
- 33% of theft whether it be time or material are reported. We can then assume that at least 40% of people do it. To stay conservative we'll say 35%.
– Average value of potential theft per employee : $620.00 per employee ($11.92/week).
– Employee replacement cost:
– $2000.00 (recruitment) + $8000.00 (training) x 2 employés = $20,000
- Losses : 35 employees X $11.92 X 50 weeks = $20,860
- Total losses year 1 : $40,860
- Total losses year 2 : $81,720
(100 Employees)
- Estimated Investment Cost for the WCI-360 Work Compliance Index program:
- 100 online tests ($150.00/per): 15,000$
- Overall group index : included
- 35 interviews/consultations pending high risk ($150.00/per) : 5,250$
- Consultation sessions with appointed teams/program implementation
- (Work hours/whistle-blowing bonus/information data) 8,000$
- TOTAL ESTIMATED COST 28,250$ - Gouvernment contribution (50%) based upon implementation and generation of Index reports: : 14,125$
- Overall projected Return On Investment (based on 100 employees):
- first year : 40 860$/14,125$ = 289%.
- second year : 81,720$/14,125$ = 578%.
(100 Employees)
- Overall projected Return On Investment:
- first year : 40,860$/28,250$ = 144%.
- second year : 81,720$/28,250$ = 289%.
- third year : we start over